THOUSANDS of Private Equity potential PARTNERs
only ONE for YOU
In many cases, the management team of a company or financial sponsors see the value in a business that owners do not see.
Therefore each business owner / entrepreneur / manager should always know:
How much is my company currently worth?
Does my current capital structure maximise shareholders’ value creation?
Am I willing to be part of the next LBO on this company?
Weissknight advises management teams:
Identifying locked shareholders’ value through an appropriate valuation exercise.
Developing an appropriate buy-out strategy that balances the delicate relationship between the management team and the current shareholders.
Determining an appropriate valuation to be successful, and the potential deal structure.
Negotiating the transaction terms.
Managing the appropriate process for raising the equity, debt and mezzanine necessary for the transaction.
Guiding the buy-out team through the process.
For more information on our LBO services, please contact us.